Starting Over – Elusive Goals.

How many times have you started a goal or a dream, a novel or diet, maybe a business idea, website, or course. How many times have you promised yourself that this time you won’t give up, this time you are really going to follow through, this time it will be different.

Cue the loop we know so well: Today you are running late, the kids have a class after school, that meeting ran overtime, or I just couldn’t get up. Suddenly, it’s ok to have a cheat day, that run can be done later. You can do it tomorrow, tomorrow you will start again, or maybe the next day. Before you know it, you are right back at the start; only to suffer from the most painful case of déjà vu. Repeat ad infinitum.

Why, why do we spring back? What anchors us to where we are? What in the world could possibly prevent us from moving forward to claim our goal. Why?

We have learned to justify our lack of achievement, we claim we want “it” that “it’s” important; but we aren’t getting there.  Are we afraid to fail? Are we not buying fully into our goal or dream? Why can’t we make our goal a priority? Some of us *cough, cough* have been actively building other people’s dreams rather than their own.

This blog is my journey, from the Impossible-mE, the woman who hasn’t been able to lose weight, create a business, write a novel, do the schooling, or finish anything. To becoming a life coach, starting my business, getting the schooling, and loosing the weight. Hopefully I can inspire others to become unstoppable. Take control of their life and love their journey a little more.

Thank you for joining me here, it’s going to be a wild ride.


The  Impossible-mE.